Team News

National Retro Day

We asked our team what their favorite throwback toys were! Did your childhood favorite make the list?!?

Meghan, Executive Director
Weaving Loom 

My retro toy is the weaving loom. You could make designs from all your favorite colors and spend hours making personalized masterpieces.

Malik, Education Manager

Here’s a toy for you! Have you ever heard of Bionicles? These awesome action-figure LEGO toys were a huge part of my childhood! As someone who loved building with LEGOs and playing with action figures, Bionicles were the perfect mix of both. Their flexible joints, endless combinations, and dynamic poses made them endlessly fun to play with for hours!

Kim, Education Liaison
Easy-Bake Oven

My favorite toy growing up was the Easy Bake Oven. My mom and grandmother were always cooking or baking delicious things. My sister Laurie and I looked forward to joining in on the fun with our Easy Bake Oven!

Graphic Elis, Design
Pokemon Cards

As a kid I loved collecting and trading Pokemon cards and they made their debut when I was in grade school. It was such a big hit for my age group that they ended up banning the cards from school altogether because we could not focus in class!

Julian, Development
Dots Candy

Retro throwback to one of my and everyone's favorite candy - DOTS! 

Jalie, Events Coordinator
Game Boy

I enjoyed playing gameboy as a kid. The color screen was a GREAT upgrade. It was awesome being able to take Super Mario World where ever I went.

Michelle, Marketing
Pound Puppy

These are still out in stores, but when they came “out out” in 1984 I was 9 years old. The whole process of being able to name your dog, send away for a tag and feel a sense of true “adoption” was so dope. It was the same type of feeling as getting your Cabbage Patch Kid’s birth certificate! I love the layers and experience of these toys and if I had to trace it back, I bet you that childhood experience is deeply routed in projects I still do today – adding layers upon layers to them!

Erin, Digital Marketing
Skip It

One of my favorite Retro toys was the skip-it. My sister and I would spend hours seeing who could have more “skips”. Which became much easier when they upgraded it to include a counter 😀